Ghost of Kronstadt: It was all downhill from there and here we are. Mass extinction.

Ghost of Kronstadt: It was all downhill from there and here we are. Mass extinction.


Fucking Bolsheviks - ruined it for everyone.

Made from Clay with bronze coating, 2014. Measures 64 x 14 x 14cm

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Kronstadt is one of those events in history like the Spanish Civil War that makes me wonder what if.

What if the ice around Leningrad had melted two weeks earlier in the 1921, before the sailors of Kronstadt submitted their demands to the Bolsheviks. Trotsky wouldn’t have been able to March his soldiers across the ice to slaughter the heroes of the October revolution. And what if as a result, their uprising had time to spread and Lenin and his fascist Bolsheviks were overthrown by a true soviet revolution of democratic workers councils. And they became an example to the world. How different would the world be now?

What if the Spanish Civil War broke a few years later during the Second World War and the US and the European scum governments were too busy fighting Hitler to support Franco’s fascist forces and the USSR was to busy defending Stalingrad to have any time for the communist fascists in Spain. And the Anarchists triumphed and had several years to establish their way of doing things. And they became an example to the world. How different would the world be now?

What if the paramedic who drove Jimi Hendrix to hospital had followed basic medical procedure and lay Jimi on his side so that he didn’t choke on his own vomit. How different would the world be now? Not many people know this but Jimi Hendrix was actually Jesus coming around a second time. But he had a look around and thought “fuck this lot”, and pissed off. It’s a shame really cos his next album most likely would have been awesome.